The Edmonton Oilers' media is the worst in the NHL, according to Kevin Bieksa

Sam Jones
May 30, 2024  (11:42)

The Edmonton Oilers' media is the worst in the NHL, according to Kevin Bieksa
Photo credit: FirtzSport

In a fiery post-game commentary following the Edmonton Oilers' victory over the Dallas Stars, Sportsnet analyst Kevin Bieksa didn't hold back in his critique of the local media's harsh treatment of the team.

This spirited defense came after Darnell Nurse faced a notably adversarial media session before Game 4.
Darnell Nurse, think about his day, his morning. He gets to the rink and he has to meet with the Edmonton meat. That's what I call the media, because they're raw dead and dumb.

Bieksa, often seen as a player's advocate, once again stood firmly on the side of the athlete, highlighting the unfair pressure placed on Nurse, who responded to the media's grilling with brief and clearly frustrated replies. The panel was visibly taken aback by Bieksa's blunt dismantling of the media's approach, signaling a shift in the discourse surrounding player-media relations in Edmonton.
Moreover, Bieksa's actions spoke as loudly as his words. In a moment of respect towards the team, he intercepted a toss of the Oilers jersey intended for the floor, promptly displaying it with pride throughout the segment—an unexpected gesture from someone who was once a fierce competitor against the Oilers.
Nurse's performance may have been less than stellar as per his high contract standards, especially noted in recent playoff seasons. However, the narrative shifted positively as the game progressed. It's crucial now more than ever for the team and its supporters to unite behind Nurse, fostering a conducive atmosphere for his—and ultimately the team's—success.
Leadership within the team also rose to the occasion. Captain Connor McDavid took charge during a media session to shield teammate Stuart Skinner from a challenging question about Nurse, a clear move to protect his teammate. Similarly, Connor Brown voiced his support post-game, critiquing the widespread negativity surrounding Nurse.
As the Oilers advance deeper into the playoff battles, it becomes imperative for everyone—fans, media, and players alike—to rally around the team. Contracts and past performances should take a back seat to collective effort and support. Nurse is aware of his need for improvement, but more than that, he requires the backing of the entire Oilers community during these crucial times.
30 MAI   |   471 ANSWERS
The Edmonton Oilers' media is the worst in the NHL, according to Kevin Bieksa

Is Bieksa correct in his assessment of the Oilers' press coverage?

Yes, they're too hard on the players34072.2 %
No, the Oilers media is fine408.5 %
Why do I actually like Bieksa now?!296.2 %
See Results6213.2 %
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